Group Training
Your group training will incorporate TIPS’ sustainable success strategies to ensure high information retention, movement correction, and habit change. Each presentation includes a corresponding handout with pictures and information that can be used by employees during and after the presentation.
Through TIPS training, your employees learn to believe in their own ability to succeed in the change process and the value that it holds for them. They also learn how to safely adjust training to their current physical ability while increasing mobility, stability and strength. We teach your employees how to identify and correct unsafe movements with easy and quick positioning guidelines that are included in every training to progressively increase understanding, use, and corrective gains. By using strategic movement patterns and habit retraining, we help you and your employees build comfort and safety in all of their activities.

Train the Trainer Workshops
Our Train the Trainer courses provide a smart, simple, sellable approach to risk reduction for soft tissue injury prevention. You get more than just great training material and a solid understanding of the problems and solutions. All our workshops are designed with our Safety that Sells™ approach so that you know what to sell AND how to sell it to your employees to get the results you want. Whether the topic is correct lifting, preventing shoulder injuries or a full stretch and strength program, true prevention begins with your team taking ownership of their health and safety!
- Improving your soft tissue injury risk is all about selling
- When it comes to soft tissue injuries, do you know what to sell?
- Does your safety team know how to sell?
- Ask about our SPARCS™ package for a set of three fundamental trainings that will revolutionize your workforce!

Train the Trainer Workshops
Our Train the Trainer courses provide a smart, simple, sellable approach to risk reduction for soft tissue injury prevention. You get more than just great training material and a solid understanding of the problems and solutions. All our workshops are designed with our Safety that Sells™ approach so that you know what to sell AND how to sell it to your employees to get the results you want. Whether the topic is correct lifting, preventing shoulder injuries or a full stretch and strength program, true prevention begins with your team taking ownership of their health and safety!
- Improving your soft tissue injury risk is all about selling
- When it comes to soft tissue injuries, do you know what to sell?
- Does your safety team know how to sell?
- Ask about our SPARCS™ package for a set of three fundamental trainings that will revolutionize your workforce!
Job Specific Training and Coaching
Within most jobs, there are physical challenges that cannot be completely designed away. Even for a job with an ideal design, the individual employee’s own movement and positioning may be the confounding piece that increases your risk. TIPS works with both the job and the employee to identify and correct risks and incorporate techniques to offset physical stressors and reduce the effects of repetitive or sustained movements and positions. Job-specific training can be done in real-time with individual employees while they perform their jobs or with a group of employees who perform similar activities.

Job Specific Training and Coaching
Within most jobs, there are physical challenges that cannot be completely designed away. Even for a job with an ideal design, the individual employee’s own movement and positioning may be the confounding piece that increases your risk. TIPS works with both the job and the employee to identify and correct risks and incorporate techniques to offset physical stressors and reduce the effects of repetitive or sustained movements and positions. Job-specific training can be done in real-time with individual employees while they perform their jobs or with a group of employees who perform similar activities.
SPARCS 3-Step Injury Knock-Out Program
Our Strategic Participation and Results Core Solutions 3-Step Package (SPARCS) is a behavioral-based injury reduction and prevention program that provides you with everything you need to ensure each member of your team knows their role in driving down injuries. They will learn how to do it simply and with confidence while understanding the personal value to them. The SPARCS program revolves around developing the habits and patterns that reduce physical risk with every activity in every environment. The training provides clear value to every level of your organization, and the tools, personalized planning, and ongoing support make both achieving the change and maintaining the change easier on your hard-working team.
Each step of the SPARCS program progressively builds on the results and stability of your new prevention program. The end results is a solid and sustainable reduction in the risk factors that lead to soft tissue injuries.
Step 1: Positioning and Movement Enhancement
- Decrease Inflammation
- Improve Body Mechanics
- Increase Movement
- Establish New Habits
- and More...
Step 2: Stabilization
- Improve Support, Control and Responsiveness
- Reduce Joint Stress and Vulnerability
- Develop Functional Ability and Muscle Sequencing
- And More....
Step 3: Work Movement Re-Patterning
- Train out Damaging Movement Patterns
- Increase Movement Efficiency
- Sustainability Training for Ongoing Injury Reduction
- And More...